Solicitor theme review


If you own a consulting agency or a finance business, then it is high time that you take your business online. However, in order to do so, you need to select a perfect WordPress theme for your website. There are hundreds of business and consulting themes available in the market but nothing can beat Solicitor. Solicitor is one such business and consulting WordPress theme which has an array of interesting features. You will be able to develop your website effortlessly and in no time using Solicitor. So, if you are a beginner and you wish to successfully launch your business online, then Solicitor is the theme for you. Here, we have discussed all the notable features of Solicitor in detail.

Features of Solicitor Business And Consulting Theme:

#1 Multiple blog archive layouts

blog layout


The theme allows you to create blogs and display them before your users in an extremely attractive way. For that, you will be provided with multiple blog archive layouts each of which are extremely beautifully designed. Because of these layouts, you will be able to attract a lot of viewers to your website. This will ensure that your blog reaches a larger audience. There are four different layouts available for blogs which are Grid with Column, Grid with Sidebar, Grid with load more and Masonry. A number of custom post formats are also available.

#2 Different widget options

widgetSolicitor has four different widget options which you can insert anywhere in your website. This will give an elegant look to your website and will also add new features to it. Solicitor also has easy navigation features and is touch-friendly. It will make sure that your customers remain glued to your website for a considerable amount of time. The different widgets are:

  • Event Date & Time
  • Event Location
  • About Us Widget
  • Flickr Photo Stream
  • Latest Events
  • Event Organizer
  • Blog Posts
  • Side Menu Widget

#3 Elementor Page Builder compatible WordPress theme



One of the most striking features of Solicitor is the Elementor Page Builder integration option because of which it has become extremely easy for you to personalize your website as per your own choice. You will be able to add and remove elements from your website as per your convenience. You will be provided with a number of predefined header and footer variations. You can also create your own header and footer from scratch. A number of exclusive elements will be provided, each of which can add a unique function to your website.

#4 Guttenberg compatible theme 

gutenberg (2)


Solicitor has Gutenberg page editor compatibility because of which you will be able to add or remove blocks without even having to code a line. All the blocks look visually incredible. The theme also allows you to add the HTML anchor to your content. All the blocks can be customised using the Gutenberg editor.

#5 WooCommerce compatibility 

WooCommerce-IntegrationSolicitor allows you to design a beautiful online e-commerce store for your business where you will easily be able to sell your product and services to your customer. You will be able to display your products before your viewers in an extremely sophisticated way. You can also display products available on other website affiliate links. Unlimited product variations are also available. You will be able to categorise the products also.

#6 Multiple Header Variations and Mega Menu option

headerSolicitor comes with multiple header options. You will be able to create unique headers which can give a completely new look to your website. The mega menu feature is also available. You will be able to display the content of your choice on your website in an attractive way. This will give an appealing look to your website.

#7 Unique Panel and Customisation Feature

Panel-and-Customize-Options (1)

You will be able to customise your theme as per your choice. All the elements are organised into tabs. This makes it extremely easy for you to edit or make changes to the elements. Be it the home page, header, footer, media or typography, everything is customisable. Solicitor has a very powerful backend structure and you will be able to customise everything from the backend itself.

#8 Search Engine Friendly and  Optimised For Speed 

seoSolicitor is one such theme which is search engine optimised. This makes sure that your website ranks higher on all popular search engines like Google and Yahoo. You will also be able to make sure that your website has more number of viewers. Solicitor has excellent performance. All the pages load extremely fast. It will give your users an amazing browsing experience

#9 Event Management and Booking feature 

Business And Consulting Theme

The Event Management and Booking feature is a very special functionality of Solicitor. It will allow you to showcase your events before your customers in such a way that it becomes a grand success. It has a number of inbuilt functionalities which will allow you to display your events to your viewers in an extremely attractive way. You will be able to display various details about the events like event date, event location and event organisation. Your visitors will also be able to book events through a third party website. The details of your event can also be shared on various social media platforms.

#10 Runs Perfectly On All Devices

Business And Consulting Theme

Solicitor is mobile-friendly and fluid responsive. You will be able to view it perfectly on all popular web browsers and across devices of all sizes and resolutions. The theme will automatically adjust itself according to the size of the device. It is also thumb-friendly and will provide you with an easy navigation option. This will also increase the readability of your website. 

#11 One-click demo installation

one click

The theme has a lot of demo content available which you can download with just a simple click of your mouse. You need not require any coding skills in order to install the demo content. The demo content can be launched very quickly and easily. You will also be able to keep the content you want and replace the content with what you do not require.

Final thoughts on Solicitor WordPress theme

So, as we can see, Solicitor is one such WordPress theme which is rich in tools and features. It is also RTL friendly and comes with in-depth documentation. So, use Solicitor to design the website of your choice.

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